Here’s the key graphic as discussed in my lecture for Colgate. Click the image to view full size.
It is the Dental Conference Season and I’m delighted to be involved in many, different events. So, as a Committee Member of the NAPC, I was invited to speak in the Keynote Theatre on the opening day.
NHS Dentistry and the changing landscape is the title of the presentation I gave.
In the presentation, I talk about hard to reach patient groups and the greater integration of dentistry into the NHS. It’s a strange paradox that 80% of a doctor’s patients are ill. However 80% of a dentist’s patients are not!
But the 20% of a dentist’s patients account for 80% of all tooth decay. More worryingly, 18% of all my patients are classified as ‘Red’ or high needs.
Well, in the famous words of Tony Blair, it’s education, education, education. Not only patients, but clinical staff as well. There is a groundswell of activity to shift our emphasis from cure to prevention. We need to be successful at this quickly. I think this presentation may have gone some way to converting a few more in the profession1