Here’s the key graphic as discussed in my lecture for Colgate. Click the image to view full size.
It’s not often that I feel the need to speak out about a specific new product launch, but dentists are concerned about Lush Bath Bombs for the Mouth. So much so that the Oral Health Foundation has done some investigation.
These little coloured mouthwash tablets are being sold with the promise to give you a shot of freshness. But, at what expense?
As we inspected the ingredients, it appears that Lush Bath Bombs for the Mouth may indeed give you a quick hit of fresh breath. But they could also lead to some serious oral health problems!
High amongst the ingredients are Cream of Tartar (tartaric acid) together with Citric and Malic Acid. Anything acidic changes the acid balance (pH) of the mouth, from neutral, and is potentially very harmful to our teeth. Acid in the mouth can cause dental erosion by softening the surface of the teeth. Overtime, the enamel can wear away, exposing the dentine underneath, leading to pain and sensitivity.
Put all of this together, and we end up with increased risk for dental erosion and more trips to the dentist for potentially expensive treatment that could have been avoided.
Finally, but equally importantly are the instructions for use. These directly contradict dental advice for good oral healthcare! “After brushing your teeth, pop one tab into your mouth and take a sip of water to start the fizz”.
“Spit don’t rinse” is the mantra from all Dentists, when it comes to cleaning our teeth.
This is because by rinsing our mouth out after brushing, we are washing away the protective layer of fluoride left behind by the toothpaste. This defeats much of the object of cleaning our teeth in the first place!
Rinsing with water to get the tabs fizzing might cause far more problems than you would think. It might actually stop your toothpaste from working.
If you wait 20 minutes after brushing, then there are many good mouthwashes to choose from, that will do the job. Also, you could opt for sugar free gum. Chewing sugar free gum after eating or drinking promotes saliva, which is the mouth’s natural defence against acid.